communication WORKSHOPS


Always choose joy and respect.

You can communicate compassionately and assertively. Yes it is possible!

Upcoming in the New Year.


Interested? Suscribe and you’ll get a quick poll to make this workhop useful for you


You know you have to say no, but, what if you disappoint the other person? Or they get mad at you? What if you miss an amazing opportunity just the one time you say “no”? I know, I’ve been there!

In this workshop you will learn that saying “no” is not only necessary but actually can help other people too. Yes, you heard me right. And I will show you why by sharing examples from my coaching practice.

In these workshops we will also implement ways of saying no (some of them without actually saying the word “no'') in situations you might struggle with so you can have the support and practice you need to bring these learnings to real life. What are you waiting for? Stop those obsessive thoughts once and for all!

Saying “no” is self-care

Making yourself your priority is not selfish, it’s empowering and generous.

Upcoming in the New Year.


Interested? Suscribe and you’ll get a quick poll to make this workhop useful for you


You know you have to say no, but, what if you disappoint the other person? Or they get mad at you? What if you miss an amazing opportunity just the time you say “no”? I know, I’ve been there!

In this workshop you will learn that saying “no” is not only necessary but actually can help other people too. Yes, you heard me right. And I will show you why sharing examples from my coaching practice.

In this workshops we will also implement ways of saying no (some of them without actually saying the word “no'') in situations you might struggle with so you can have the support and practice you need to bring these learnings to real life. What are you waiting for? Stop those obsessive thoughts once and for all!


Do you want me to include a specific situation?

Is there anywhere in the process where you get stuck?

Maybe specific emotions / thoughts get in the way?

Help me to help you.


en línea

Recibe acceso ilimitado a cursos de varias clases que te hacen avanzar en focos y objetivos específicos.


DesintoxicarSE y recuperarSE

Si estás trabajando para iniciar tu camino hacia el bienestar desde cero, seguir este plan holístico de desintoxicación es un gran punto de partida.

Semana 1: Desintoxicación de la mente
Semana 2: Desintoxicación del cuerpo
Semana 3: Desintoxicación de las relaciones
Semana 4: Reintroducción

aspectos básicos de los aceites esenciales

¿Te interesa la aromaterapia, pero no sabes por dónde empezar? Aprenderás todo lo básico en este curso introductorio.

Semana 1: Introducción a los aceites esenciales
Semana 2: Combinar los aceites con los aceites base
Semana 3: Aceites para el hogar
Semana 4: Aceites para el cuerpo

POR 627 €/AÑO

Asesoramiento individual

Recibe un plan personalizado y seguimientos periódicos para ayudarte a alcanzar tus metas.


Sesiones semanales

Si buscas algo completamente integral y adaptado a tus necesidades específicas, el asesoramiento individual en bienestar podría ser el paso indicado para ti. Entérate de lo que puedes esperar en una sesión o reserva una consulta gratuita hoy.

Sesiones de 125 €/HORA